Abramelin, day 99

Morning rite went well. I had some interesting dreams which made me realize once more that purifications still are necessary. However, I am pissing off all of the right forces in this world, and quite all right with that.

I sometimes wonder if this whole operation will be like uniting Jadzia with Dax, and then I remember that I am a nerd on many, many fronts.

Some valuable lessons learned today on the self employment front. The goal is looking closer than ever. By the gods, this would be amazing.

I have a lot to be grateful for. I also have a great deal I still need to work on. So much of this is “wax on, wax off”–when do I hit the deep stuff? But I guess it’s all deep stuff in the end, and I needed to come out of my fortress of solitude and make some lasting effects in the waking world. What am I ultimately being prepared for?

Help me, help me o gods.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 98

Morning rite went well.

I started out the work day with prayers, then got to working…and thinking. Cultivating that mindfulness remains a challenge, but I “check in” every now and again to make sure I’m not overly stressing myself out and/or going into auto pilot. Setting my own schedule and working my own rules, could be too easy to do.

I feel very strongly I’ve been given the opportunity to become self employed and am in the process of doing so. I must also maintain my focus. At least this isn’t a “new” business; it’s just the opportunity to do it full time, be consistent with it, and learn how to manage it better. I’m essentially moving from hobby to career with it, and it’s honestly what I need. It’s what I’d rather be doing full time.

I may be traveling in a week to visit my dad for a few days while my mom is away.

Today is Zeus day, so I did a small offering rite for him after this evening’s rite.


Abramelin, day 97

Morning rite went well.

Something that is wonderful right now about this situation: I get to live every day like I’m self employed. No interviews, just purely working on my side business. I’ve been very inconsistent with it,  and it’s showed. Now things are exploding, and while it’s not an income I can live off of just yet it’s becoming likely that in the future I can–and not some far off, distant future either. The thought fills me with amazing amounts of joy like no one would ever believe. Gods I am blessed.

If I ever travel to a world where the gods can take on physical manifestation, I owe Hermes–not to mention the rest of my gods–a HUGE hug. No joke.

If I needed any major signs that I am on the right track, I have them. And I am grateful.

Evening rite went well. Happy Hermes Day!

Abramelin, day 96

Morning rite went well.

I still have stresses to deal with as far as the next job goes. As in, depending on the background check I may not start until July 21st. Interestingly that’s around the time I should be starting phase 3. Interesting.

Everything else, however, is falling into place. I wonder how ironic it would be if I were to get my self employment in gear before they get their own asses in gear.

I stayed up too late but managed to get my evening rite in, which went okay. Of course with schedule changes comes time management. I’ll iron out the kinks and be mindful.

Abramelin, day 95

Morning rite went well. Lots of recruiter contacts and a face to face interview. That interview went very well, and I received an offer this afternoon.

I remember “hearing” a day or two ago that I will “not get the job I want but will get the one I need”. I think that this suits. What I need is something stable, consistent, and will allow me to grow my side business enough to go full time with that instead. I’m also going into this with a far better feeling than my previous job, which is a good thing as well.

I really do believe that much of my experiences with the Abramelin so far have been very “wax on, wax off” and “compound effect”.

Evening rite went well. I pray that this job will be the right one, and will help me and not hinder me in all of my goals in all facets of my life. I need to evolve, I need to be worthy of my Holy Guardian Angel.

Abramelin, day 94

Morning rite went well.

Today I went the entire day traveling, during which time I had the chance to reflect on a few things. More and more “coincidences”–I put that in quotes because no such thing exists, really–keep happening, and are guiding me towards things, people, and opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Tomorrow I have a face to face interview. It will be whatever it will be.

Some realizations I’ve had: I’ve been either trying too hard and doing the wrong things, banging my head and wondering why it doesn’t work, or doing the right things but inconsistently. I need to work smarter, not harder. I need to strike that balance between putting in the work and the organization I badly need to do, but also do the “non-working work”. I need to know when to do one versus the other. I need to know how to do both. And the lessons I’ve been learning in the so-called material world apply to every level and facet of my life. Wax on, wax off.

I am a work in progress. I am wet clay.

I had to get things quieter. Everything’s so subtle. You have to be in listening mode, but not trying too hard to be in listening mode. Everything around you has to be quiet enough to get it through. I relaxed enough for it to get through the cracks, and now I see what happens when I am no longer stressed, on edge, and in alert mode: I can receive what I need to receive. But it’s so subtle.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 93

Morning rite went well.

I am finding that it’s becoming easier to follow my instincts and my intuition, and how more more easily they lead me to things I otherwise wouldn’t find, people whom I wouldn’t have met otherwise, etc.

Two amazing workshops, and lots of tools given to help me to get me to where I’d like to be. Wonderful.

The working by not working and attracting continues to work. It just flows and continues to flow. Shit’s jelling together.

I leave tomorrow to head back home. I don’t know if I’ve gotten everything I wanted to get out of this trip, but I got everything I needed. While my thoughts sometimes stray to the few nagging issues which remain, everything’s coming together.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 92

Morning rite went well. At least I slept far better; my intuition was spot on.

Today was…strange. I’m here but I’m really well, not here. This place is jam packed and the venue is not large enough for 9,700 of us. We’ve outgrown Vegas, HOW. I’m finding myself navigating away from the crowds and not playing by the book, not as a means of escape but as a means to just breathe. In any event, I decided to spend the afternoon in a cabana, turned on the tv inside and there’s the movie Michael. About an angel.

There are no coincidences.

I am continuing to find, once again, I accomplish my best work by not working and attract by not trying to attract. It’s a Zen thing. I’m also wondering how much of our HGA’s connection with us is their way of being able to experience the physical world, but for them to reach us we have to try and meet them halfway. They give, we give.

I ran into a street vendor who made a blue rose bouquet from palm leaves and spray paint. It turned out that he went to school with someone who had the exact same name as me.

No coincidences.

Tomorrow morning will be brutal, very early morning workout. And so it goes. I will try not to sleep in, ha.

Everything will be as it needs to be, and all the signs are there.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 91

That whole not sleeping in a consecrated space; I think I didn’t take that seriously enough. In my past travels, where I did the Abramelin and set up the space contained the bed I was in. I heard a really strange voice talking, thought it was coming from my Kindle, woke up with a start and couldn’t tell how much of it was dream and how much of it was reality. I’m taking that seriously from now on. I’ve never had to worry about that before in my own bedroom especially; I do rituals in there and have numerous altars to my gods and while I’ve had some interesting dreams this one was uh…very different. The rest of my dreams were equally bizarre.

Morning rite went well.

Today was two phone interviews, a workout, and lots of walking and running around. I barely had a moment to breathe.

Ranting in my head about the Situation That Won’t Get Resolved, and walked into a room that was playing a very particular song.  It may be part of the answer to my questions. There are no coincidences.

I had the insight of moving the sacred space marked by the crystals and extending it into the bedroom before tonight’s ritual. Hopefully this will help with the wackiness I got last night. I swear that felt like a genuine haunting. WOW

Evening rite went well. I know I have much to work on, but I’ve had some valuable insights.

Abramelin, day 90

I am up today an hour and a half before sunrise, which won’t be until I am on the road. I have opted for the usual morning rite regardless.  It went well.

I have about four hours of sleep in me and have been up since 3am, nearly 24 hours at this point. The traveling went well. There was free wine on the second flight, which I turned down. I am still sad about that; I absolutely love wine. It’s the sacrifices you make during this thing, I suppose.

More interviews have been scheduled. I have a technical one tomorrow while I am here, and a face to face one scheduled on Monday.

I feel like I just got off of a boat; I stand still and things keep moving. It’s going to be an interesting trip. Idea will be to be mindful of the gods in everything I do, no matter what–I received that message very clearly, to keep the gods in mind with everything I do here. I will keep to that.

Things I am noticing in this state: my instincts remain spot on, but I am more prone to analysis paralysis.

I used my compass app on my cell phone to find east, and…ahahah…the window that my hotel room looks out is perfectly facing east. Nicely played, HGA. Nicely played.

Evening rite went well.