Abramelin, day 211

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

31 readings in all today. Today was almost as busy as it normally gets around Halloween. Crazy! Got to help many, many people though. Very happy about that.

Days and nights becoming more and more surreal. Time for sleep.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 210

Morning and evening rites went well.

Crazy intense dreams all last night, don’t know what to make of any of them.

Face to face interview with what appears to be a good company. Fingers crossed.

Worked after in Salem doing tarot readings. Did well.

Lots to do and think about. Evening rite went well.



Abramelin, day 207

Morning rite went well. Noon prayer rite done in car on way to work, got called in for a shift to do readings again but had to leave early for an appointment.

I’m starting to stress about the interviews and I’m realizing how much I intensely hate this entire process, my main career, and how badly it drains me. Half a day for these interviews, all of them. And these people think I’m still employed as all of them were scheduled when I was.

There has to be a better way.

Evening rite done in bed, was suffering from horrible stomach pains. I blame it on trying to eat too much for dinner after not having eaten much past few days.

Abramelin, day 206

Morning rite went well, noon prayer rite barely happened but got it in.

Worked again today doing tarot readings,had one person tell me I gave her the best 15 minutes of my life. She badly needed to hear what I had to say. Was grateful to help.

Dealing with some congestion and trying to fight back with increased fluids, juicing, sleep, homeopathy.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 205

Had a dream that I upset someone who thought I was Catholic while doing this rite when in fact I am a polytheist. My sole reaction was, “You’ve known me for how long and it’s taken you THIS long to figure out that I’m a polytheist? What?” Odd dream.

Morning rite went well, noon prayer rite done late. Too much going on.

I’ve never before this year had any requests let alone this many to do readings to see how loved ones are doing on the other side. Sign from Hermes, I take, to get my ass in gear on the mediumship stuff. What vibes am I giving off?

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 204

Morning rite and noon prayer rite well.

The second person last night in the past week told me the same thing: that something is going on with me where I am not communicating what I feel and I am about to explode. The first person was looking at my aura and chakra reading and came up with it, now last night similar deal. Given how ridiculously outspoken I am I can only think of a few things this could possibly elude to. But given more than one person has told me this, I cannot ignore it. Hm.

So. Many. Readings. Very busy yesterday.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 203

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

Spent today at the Salem job, did pretty well–even got requests for me as a reader. Crazy amount of time spent in psychic zone and as usual, was totally riding the high until I got home and absolutely crashed.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 198

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

Good day of readings, nice to have the opportunity to help others. Took time during my lunch break to get an aura photograph and reading done of me, and whoa.


The throat chakra in particular terrifies me, but the third eye one covers my whole face. I blame the Abramelin.

Still exhausted but not as much today as yesterday.

Evening rite went well.

Abramelin, day 197

Four hours of sleep last night because nothing is sacred.

Morning rite and noon prayer rite went well.

First day at the psychic/tarot reading job went well, helped many and did well on tips too. Apollo was with me. 🙂 Everything is getting sharper and the more I exercise these skills the harder it is to “come back” and I realize I can’t, the floodgates are open.

Night was coven event, very intense. That awkward moment when you have to ground before ritual. Given how it went glad I did.

Evening rite went well. Exhausted on so many levels, sleep now.

Abramelin, day 169

Morning rite went well.

My father left today, leaving me alone with the kitties. I got to relax, which is a rare thing at this point in time. I wish it would be less rare.

Noon rite went well, but towards the start I had a vision of Apollo looking at me with an expression of amusement and “Ahem?”. I get nervous now when I have visions of deities during this rite complete with facial expressions. I am officially nervous. If nervous had a color I’d be wearing it.

I am wondering if this rite will be over once my current job contract is. That would make a lot of sense.

Evening rite went well.