Morning rite went well.
I have zero clue of what I should be doing with myself. Work is going well. It’s what I need it to be. As for the rest, I don’t know where I’m heading but to just keep going on.
Noon prayer rite went well, walk afterward.
I feel like I’m coming full circle with some things from my past. Someone hit the rewind button or I’m just visiting. I’m thinking more the latter. I’m also thinking that so much of this, I’m finding, isn’t helpful. I’m not picking up the pieces I need. What’s missing?
I’m not looking to escape; I’m looking to move forward. I understand that I need to dive deep into this world to have anything to do with what I’m seeking and have true manifestation, but there’s so much white noise and chaos. How do I get through to what’s truly relevant?
Evening rite went well. I am absolutely wiped.