Morning rite went well. Another day of back to back crazy, including a scare with my unemployment, or rather it looking like I wouldn’t have any. Thankfully it was straightened out. Thank Hermes. Thank Papa Legba. Thank absolutely any divinity or daemon who had a hand in that, GODS. I also have a number of places very interested in me, and looking for second and final rounds of interviews for next week. I pray, I pray….
My parents will be in town house hunting while I’m in Vegas. They leave Fri, I return Sun. The kitties will get cuddles, at least. One less thing to worry about.
I suspect this will be a very interesting couple of days: Abramelin in Vegas with lots of fitness’ing. Whee. Wax on, wax off.
Evening rite went well.
Carrying out the Abra-Melin ritual while still engaging in everyday affairs must be very hard.
Let’s hope you don’t invoke another Nessie!
It’s about mindfulness and not using spirituality to escape from the world. I have a LOT of work to get done in order to get everything integrated, but a good chunk of it was done in phase one.